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Dr. Hatem Eleishi Medical Center (DHMC), formerly called Keprc Clinics, is a medical center in the district of Maadi in Cairo, Egypt. DHMC started initially in April 2013 by Dr. Hatem Eleishi, professor of rheumatology at Cairo University, after he returned back from abroad to settle in Egypt. It started initially as a Rheumatoid Arthritis center. Within a couple of years, new services and sub-specialized clinics were started at the center by colleagues of Dr. Hatem most of whom are staff at the faculty of medicine at Cairo university. The clinics include 5 more rheumatology clinics and the following subspecialized clinics:  Epilepsy Clinic, Child Psychology Clinic, Viral Hepatitis Clinic, Renal Impairment Clinic, Psoriasis Clinic, Diabetes Clinic. A Joint ultrasound and intra-articular injection unit and a Physiotherapy Unit also work in collaboration with the rheumatology clinics at the center.

DHMC is known for providing consultant-based medical services and also for punctuality of its appointment system






To become an internationally recognized center for patients seeking ambulatory medical care and support.


To provide consultant-based medical services and to utilize more advanced technology for delivery of healthcare services. To provide services of social and psychological support, continuous patient medical education and awareness, continuous communication with physicians.

Message from the CEO

It is my pleasure to welcome you to our center and to our new website. Dr. Hatem Eleishi Medical Center (DHMC), originally a rheumatology (arthritis) center, and now, a polyclinic with diverse medical specialties, is one of the centers that put great emphasis on quality of medical care in accordance with international standards and guidelines

DHMC is actually a friendly family of medical and non-medical staff. The main goal of everyone at DHMC is to provide the best medical care and the best healthcare experience for our patients, whether patients who visit our clinics or patients who go for online consultations with our online doctors who are based mainly in Egypt, USA and Canada.

Each one of the staff members at DHMC shares three things: professional qualifications, values of DHMC and enthusiasm for servicing their patients and their families.

One last word about our website; please consider re-visiting our website from time to time. Our website is regularly updated and you can find latest medical info about a long list of medical problems that are treated by physicians at DHMC. Although most of the posts are in the main specialty of the center which is rheumatology or arthritis, yet, other specialties are in the plan including neurology, psychiatry, pulmonology, cardiology, endocrinology, hepatology and dermatology.

If you have any comments, suggestions or questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us by filling in a "CONTACT US" form.


Dr. Hatem Hamdi Eleishi

Chief Executive Officer of DHMC

About Dr. Hatem Eleishi

Dr. Hatem Eleishi is a Professor of Rheumatology at Cairo University, Egypt. He works as the director of Dr. Hatem Eleishi Medical Center in Maadi, Cairo (formerly called Keprc Clinics). He also works as a consultant rheumatologist in the rheumatology clinic at the same center and also as a visiting consultant rheumatologist at the Medical Reference Center (MRC) in Jeddah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Eleishi was graduated from Cairo University in 1990 where he then also had his Masters (1994) and MD degrees (1998). He was also ECFMG certified from Philadelphia, USA in 1993.He also has a diploma in Medical Education and a diploma in Management and Leadership.


Dr. Hatem teaches in the field of rheumatology and immunology and has a special interest in rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis and also in neck and back pain, osteoporosis and gout. He implements a multidisciplinary approach to the management of patients with arthritis disorders through collaboration with other clinics at Dr. Hatem Eleishi Medical Center as the psychiatry clinic, dietetics clinic, musculoskeletal ultrasound and interventional rheumatology clinic and physiotherapy unit.


Dr. Hatem is specially dedicated to patient education. He has two you tube channels for that purpose where he regularly publishes videos about arthritis diseases, in particular autoimmune arthritis as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis. The Arabic channel (Hatem Eleishi) has around 60,000 subscribers and posts Arabic videos. The new English channel (Dr. Hatem Eleishi Arthritis channel) publishes arthritis videos in the English language.

In addition to his medical profession, Dr. Eleishi is also a public speaker and is an active lecturer in the field of self- development. In 2021, he is starting a new project, Dr. Hatem Eleishi Academy, where he will be teaching online courses to healthcare professionals in disciplines of planning future career, communication skills, teamwork, management, leadership and running private medical practice. 

Dr. Hatem is a houseplant expert and has his own greenhouse in an extension of his clinic at his medical center. He loves to give houseplants as to his patients who are adherent to their medications and who achieve remission of their disease.

Dr. Hatem is also the author of several literary writings the most known of which is his novel “Tikitian Imprints” that was published in the States by Goose River Press 2007. His other writings include “Cat Lino” and The Other Side of the River”.