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Cavitation unit

Ultrasound cavitation machines aid in the slimming process for patients seeking to have or restore an ideal body. In fact, the cavitation procedure plays a cosmetic role rather than actual weight reduction.  

What you get from ultrasound cavitation: 

The procedure best suits those patients who already have lost weight and are now making the final touch to the perfectly slim body that they want.  


How it works: 

The head of the ultrasound machine operates to strong vibrations in the deeper tissues that convert the fat into a liquid that the body can get rid of more easily. 

Do not go for this procedure if you are pregnant or lactating or if you have: 

Kidney failure, liver failure, a pacemaker or other electronic devices or high blood cholesterol. 

So patients are required to do some lab test before starting the sessions. These are serum creatinine, ALT, AST, CBC, lipid profile


If you are going for cavitation sessions, you need to do follow the following instructions and know the following facts: 

Things to do before starting ultrasonic cavitation session: 

Assessment at the dietetics clinic to confirm the procedure suits your condition. 

Starting a low calorie diet and drink plenty of fluids. Plenty of fluids will help eliminate fat from the body. 

Things to do after an ultrasonic cavitation session: 

Drink plenty of fluids


Duration of a single session: 

The duration of a single session varies from one center to another. The average is 30-45 minutes. Only one single part of the body should be focused on in a given session. 

Optimal number of sessions needed:

This also varies from one person to another but the average is six to ten sessions for optimum results.


