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Joint ultrasound

The Ultrasound unit started at DHMC to fulfill the increasing need of the rheumatology clinic on musculoskeletal ultrasound.


Rheumatologists need ultrasound for confirming the diagnosis of several rheumatic conditions and also for assessment and evaluation of some rheumatic diseases


The Ultrasound unit provides the service of diagnosis or confirmation of diagnosis for a wide range of rheumatologic and orthopedic disorders.

Example of rheumatologic disorders that are referred to the unit are inflammatory arthritis, diabetic tenosynovitis, gout, osteoarthritis, various tendon inflammation disorders.


Examples of orthopedic disorders that are referred to the unit are meniscal injuries 
cruciate ligament injuries of the knees
injuries of the internal structures of the shoulders joints 
sports injuries. 



Saturday 3 PM to 5 PM
Monday 3 PM to 7 PM