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Can I be off ALL rheumatoid medications some day?

Can I be off ALL rheumatoid medications some day?

There are9 things that need to be fulfilled so that you can be on the track of OFF ALL MEDS SOME DAY

  1. You saw the right specialist that should manage rheumatoid arthritis. This is the rheumatologist.
  2. You saw him early enough: within weeks or few months of the onset of symptoms
  3. You go the right diagnosis: chances are best of course if you are seeing the right specialty
  4. You got the treatment that is suitable for the level of activity of your disease
  5. You had your medical prescription revised and edited if the first prescription did not work for you at an optimal time: this should ideally be done within 2 to 3 months of the previous prescription not after 1 year or more
  6. You do believe that science and medicine is one of the best ways to help you out of this problem and not one of many possible ways that are all the same: herbs and diet do not cure rheumatoid arthritis
  7. You do believe and are hopeful that you will improve on your medications
  8. You are adherent to your medications for long durations that are long enough till only your doctor makes any changes in your prescription
  9. You stay calm and stay away from pessimistic people who pull you back and make you frustrated and depressed


This post was prepared and published by  Dr. Hatem Eleishi. Dr. Hatem Eleishi is a professor of rheumatology at Cairo university (Egypt) and is especially dedicated to supporting arthritis patients with online educational videos and articles about arthritis causes and treatment. He also runs a rheumatology clinic in Cairo and a center for that, in addition to providing online rheumatology consultations, also provides online medical consultations in several different medical specialties by expert consultants from Egypt, Canada and the United States.


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