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Is psoriasis contagious?

Is psoriasis contagious?

Psoriasis is a skin disease that affects about two percent of the world's population. In this post we will get to know this disease more closely and whether it is an infectious disease or not and also to answer other common questions about psoriasis.

Is psoriasis contagious?

Many people wonder whether psoriasis is contagious, and perhaps this is because it causes those clear red spots on the skin with some prominent white or silver scales that cause itching. Many people will be surprised to know that psoriasis is not contagious at all. It is not a viral or bacterial disease that can be transmitted from one person to another. Psoriasis spreads only on the same patient’s skin and not to anyone else.

Why psoriasis spreads on the same patient’s skin?

Some believe that psoriasis spreads through the skin of the same person by touching the affected parts of the skin with other uninfected ones. This is not true. Psoriasis cannot spread from one skin part to another in the same patient by mere touching or rubbing of the affected part with another healthy part. It’s all about the formation and accumulation of cells on skin of the patient by the immune system attack to the skin that forms those psoriasis skin spots.

How psoriasis happens

What specifically happens in psoriasis patients is that at a time when the skin cells are supposed to renew at a rate of approximately every twenty-eight days, in psoriasis patients, this renewal and wear and tear of the skin cells takes place over a few days only, not exceeding even seven days. That’s why excess cells accumulate forming psoriasis skin lesions.

Is psoriasis transmitted to the husband or wife?

Psoriasis is not transmitted through the relationship between spouses, nor through using the same personal care tools.

Is psoriasis transmitted from the pregnant mother to her baby?

Psoriasis is not transmitted to the baby from the pregnant mother and is not transmitted through the contact of the body of the infant with his mother during breastfeeding. However, it is important to note here that genetic factors affect the transmission of psoriasis, meaning that the possibility of children inheriting the readiness to have this disease someday due to overactivity of their own immune systems remains there.

Is psoriasis transmitted through blood or saliva transmission?

Psoriasis is not transmitted through any of the body fluids, whether saliva, blood or others.

Are there factors that affect the emergence of psoriasis?

We have confirmed beyond any doubt that psoriasis cannot be contagious, but there are some factors that contribute to the appearance and emergence of psoriasis skin rashes in people who have a genetic predisposition to psoriasis. These include:

Skin scratching in a patient who is susceptible to the disease or who the disease

Dry environment

Not moisturizing the skin


Psychological stress


Not eating healthy foods

Vitamin D deficiency

Not getting enough sleep


Can psoriasis be controlled?

After we answered in detail the question of whether psoriasis is contagious, we would like to assure everyone that psoriasis can be controlled through several treatment protocols that your treating doctor discusses with you according to the severity of the condition and the extent and spread of psoriasis.

There are topical treatments, whether creams or exposure to ultra violet light sessions. There are also oral treatments and even injections that can help control psoriasis and the itching associated with it.
