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Does rheumatoid arthritis prevent marriage and having children?

Does rheumatoid arthritis prevent marriage and having children?


What we mean here is two points

Point number 1: concerning the ability to work, to have a job and to earn money, rheumatoid arthritis patients who see a rheumatologist and who have their disease diagnosed and assessed and have a medication prescription and who use their medicines as prescribed on a regular basis without being into the habit of skipping doses, will start to improve over weeks, and if everything goes smooth and as expected, they can live a near normal life starting from a few months from the start of treatment and thereafter.


Point number 2: concerning fertility, ability to conceive and to have children, rheumatoid arthritis does not affect fertility in men or women. There are some rheumatoid medications though that can interfere with pregnancy and those medications need to be stopped before pregnancy. We can start them again later on after delivery.



This post was prepared and published by  Dr. Hatem Eleishi. Dr. Hatem Eleishi is a professor of rheumatology at Cairo university (Egypt) and is especially dedicated to supporting arthritis patients with online educational videos and articles about arthritis causes and treatment. He also runs a rheumatology clinic in Cairo and a center for online medical consultations that, in addition to providing online rheumatology consultations, also provides online medical consultations in several different medical specialties by expert consultants from Egypt, Canada and the United States.


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