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Patients' rights and responsibilities

Patients’ Rights

1. Respect for dignity: this is a basic right that is secured at all times. 

2. Confidentiality: Personal information of whatever kind will be available only to members of immediate family that you approve they can have access to it. 

3. Information: all the needed information about your diagnosis and plan of management shall be provided to you and all the alternative options for management as well. 

4. Management of pain: this will include   proper assessment as a requisite for effective pain management. 

5. Request for a second opinion: There is nothing more precious in one's life that health. For that reason, we recognize the right of every patient to pursue a second opinion by other physicians and it is our responsibilities to facilitate this process if it is requested by the patient. 


Patient Responsibilities:

1. Providing information: Patients are expected to accurate and complete information about their medical problems. 

2. Compliance: compliance with instructions and treatments provided by their physician. 

3. Abiding by DHMC’s rules and regulations: Patients and their families are responsible for following the rules and regulations of DHMC. 

4. Respect and consideration: Patients are responsible for being considerate of the other patients and their rights at DHMC and also of staff at DHMC who do their best to make sure their experience at DHC is an exceptional one.