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Number 1: If you have ankylosing spondylitis, kindly bring along the following lab test results with you to the clinic:







Serum Albumin

Serum creatinine



HBcAb total

Stool calprotectin


Number 2: Also please bring a report of an ophthalmologist (eye doctor) who has checked you eye and made sure you don't have inflammation of the eye called iritis (whether recent or old inflammation)

You can request the names of the doctors and eye centers that specialize in iritis inflammation from our call center



Number 3: If the you had not responded to anti-inflammatory medications and there was a provisional decision to start you on a biologic medication, please bring along the following:

Blood test: QuantiFERON test

X ray: plain X ray of the chest with its report please


Number 4: Also please bring the  boxes of your rheumatoid medications unless you know their names quite well. Medication boxes are more important that prescriptions.