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Important questions and answers about psoriasis:

Question number 1: What is psoriasis? And how does psoriasis occur?

Psoriasis is a common skin disease. It occurs as a result of an overactivity of the immune system that that causes the skin cells to multiply at an increased rate, five to ten times the normal rate. As a result, psoriasis skin lesions or psoriasis rash occurs. The psoriasis rash is characterized by its red color with some white crusts or scales. Psoriasis affects about 2% of the general population worldwide. Men and women are both equally affected by psoriasis.


Question number 2: Is psoriasis dangerous?

That depends on the kind of affection that happens and its extent. When the disease is limited to the skin, the most common symptoms are skin rash which may be embarrassing to the patient and skin itching which may be disturbing to the patient. At such levels, psoriasis is not considered a dangerous disease. The complete spectrum of possible other system affections in psoriasis also include inflammation of the joints that can sometimes be so severe and affect the quality of life in some patients or that can be mild and more easily controlled with treatment in other patients.


Question number 3: Is psoriasis transmitted from one person to another?

Everyone who is in contact with a psoriasis patient will be very concerned and asking this question. Well, rest assured that psoriasis is definitely not a contagious disease.


Question number 4: What are the causes of psoriasis?

The basic and most important cause here is a genetic predisposition that makes the patient susceptible to the disease. What compounds with the genetic factor is another factor from the environment like an infection for example or being obese or living in regions with very cold climates.


Question number 5: Does psoriasis affect the scalp and hair?

Yes, psoriasis can affect the scalp. Psoriasis lesions are red rashes with white or silver scales. They can be differentiated from normal hair dandruff easily as psoriasis lesions extend beyond the end of the hair line on the face and neck.


Question number 6: Does psoriasis affect the nails?

Psoriasis can affect the nails causing ridging and pitting of the nails. If the condition is severe, it can cause the nail to separate. It is very important here to use moisturizes for the nails and their surrounding skin.


Question number 7: What is psoriasis and is it really a chronic condition that has no cure?

Psoriasis is basically a chronic disease. Skin lesions can disappear for sometime but they rarely disappear forever.

Question number 8: How do doctors treat psoriasis?

Doctor treat psoriasis by one of the following ways:

One: Topical creams that contain cortisone. These can have a very good effect in treating psoriasis.

Two: Treatment by ultraviolet light sessions or by laser treatment. Also, there are also many studies that confirm that exposure of the skin affected by psoriasis to sunlight has a positive effect on controlling the disease. It is important to use vitamin D because it has a good effect in controlling the spread of psoriasis, as well as omega-3.

Three: For scalp psoriasis, it is recommended to use a shampoo that contains salicylic acid. Some nutritional supplements are also used for scalp psoriasis.

Four: medications which either include non-biological medications or biological medications.

